
A few more print-related things

(Click on the photos to enlarge for details)
Poster for AIGA's "HeroAndSound" speaking event, using the screenprinter's work.

Sportszone Calendar, created in a partnership with the lovely Shalini Saycocie and Jamie Douglass. Theme: Sports you won't find at RIT. Alas, it was too crazy for them in the end and it got edited down severely. Viva la creativity.

"Deaf" booklet. Photos by me, stories by the participants. It was a fun assignment.
2009 Calendar focusing on type treatment and integrating it into imagery. All photos are mine.

Cookbook, featuring my photography and my mother's recipes. Still a work in process with over 200 recipes.

I made this sophomore year. It's not that fantastic, but I have a soft spot for it.

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